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2710 College Ave. Suite D | Alton IL 62002
P: 618.474.2004 | F: (618) 433-9522| Contact Us
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No hidden costs, no higher rents, we promise! In fact, letting our expert staff help you to find your next apartment or rental home will save you money. Our service is free to you because we're paid out of the landlord's advertising budgets. We've done the research, we know the area, we know the apartments and area rentals, and we have the best specials to offer you.

Apartment/Condos Single Family Homes

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Rent Solutions is a unique real estate company specializing exclusively in Rental and Property Management Services. We provide you with quality renters. You can receive extensive exposure for their property and only pay for a successfully placed tenant. As a Property Owner, YOU can decide the level of service you need.